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Bid Solutions offers a wide range of services required during the preparation and submission of bids using dedicated procedures in order to significantly increase your company’s success rate.

Bid Solutions is the most effective and intelligent way to respond to your next bidding challenge.

Bid Solutions will ensure that participating Companies fully understand all aspects of the bidding procedure and advise customers on how to properly submit a competitive bid.

Bid Solutions provides flexibility as your business grows through each bidding process.

Company profile


Bid Solutions is a leading company that seeks to prepare and submit comprehensive proposals for Tenders. Bid Solutions was created to fill the gap in the market for professional preparation, presentation and submission of integrated solutions for corporate participation in Tenders. Responding to a Request for Proposal (RFP) or an Invitation for Bid (IFB) to a government agency can be an intimidating task.

Bid Solutions will ensure that participating Companies fully understand all aspects of the bidding procedure and provide advice to customers on how to properly submit a competitive bid.

Bid Solutions offers a wide range of services required during bid preparation and submission  - from commercial and financial feasibility studies (of motivation), to manage the workflow of various techniques required in the preparation of a successful bid.
Bid Solutions is able to:
•    provide summaries of theTender requirements,
•    identify the critical requisite for participation at your company's level of participation documents,
•    ensure compliance with the conditions relative to “exclusion criteria”, if any,
•    identify the requirements of the Competition in matters of technical qualification,
•    create a detailed Table of Contents both for the Participation Documents Folder and for the Technical Offer/File Folder,
•    create and fill in the "Compliance List",
•    prepare the submission letter,
•    write and complete the presentation of the tender dossier,
•    provide consulting services with respect to pricing,
•    monitor the bid opening process, to attend (if required) and consider the bids of the other participants and submit any suggestions - comments on the procedure and on the records of fellow candidate companies.

Also, after the award of the tender results, Bid Solutions enables
•    a final summary of the submitted proposal of the company to ensure that all the required information is included and presented in a fixed format
•    consulting and / or project management, contract monitoring, collection and processing of statistical data, certifications ...

compassBid Solutions responds to any type of Tenders ranging from €50,000  tomillion euro bids in every sector, including school committees, municipalities, district, government, hospitals, utilities, etc., small and large private companies with great experience in Electrical Mechanical Projects regarding Construction, Maintenance and Operation.

Bid Solutions using dedicated procedures in the preparation of tenders significantly increased the success rate, from less than 5% to over 35% .

As for preparing “Participation Documents" and "Technical Offer" Folders, our success rate is 100% - which means that we never lose the Tender because of insufficient filling or submission of incomplete data.

If you are interested in learning more about the services Bid Solutions can offer, please do not hesitate to contact us for a free appointment that will clearly identify which services meet your needs, work schedule, and pricing plan that will work best for both parties.

Home Eng Contents


  Bid process management

  Tender documents preparation

  Professional proposal presentation

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callusThe Support Office is a vital service to the organization and preparation of the bid. Essentially represents the core information exchange and communication. It has an electronic system for managing calls and monitoring applications for the preparation of the bid. In this system, all relevant information is monitored on an ongoing basis until the final realization of customer requirements. Bid Solutions personnel are responding to meet any demand with partial deliveries up to 18 hours after the request to prepare a bid.


Bid Solutions Κοκκινάκη 14 Κηφισιά

Tel:+30 211 800 0949 - + 30 211 019 2561 - +30 694 163 3667, Mail: