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Bid Pricing

Beat the competition! Bid pricing consulting Services
Beginning with an assessment of the market and taking into consideration not only your business but your competitors also, we provide pricing estimation consulting services , in order to accurately determine your optimal economical offer.The specific service is supplementary / advisory and in no way binding.

The pre-costing service:
-assesses market trends and identifies your risks
-increases the odds of your financial offer
-maximizes your opportunities for revenue growth

The first important step in wininng more tenders is the identification and understanding of your industry's complex business requirements. The next important step is to identify and analyze the pricing of your competitors - especially at low pricing strategy.

Cost-consulting services benefits:
-identification of risks
-market analysis
-flexibility in handling complex tender requirements
-use of electronic monitoring tools that provide fast and accurate pricing to maximize revenue


  Bid process management

  Tender documents preparation

  Professional proposal presentation

HELP DESK 365/24/7


callusThe Support Office is a vital service to the organization and preparation of the bid. Essentially represents the core information exchange and communication. It has an electronic system for managing calls and monitoring applications for the preparation of the bid. In this system, all relevant information is monitored on an ongoing basis until the final realization of customer requirements. Bid Solutions personnel are responding to meet any demand with partial deliveries up to 18 hours after the request to prepare a bid.


Bid Solutions Κοκκινάκη 14 Κηφισιά

Tel:+30 211 800 0949 - + 30 211 019 2561 - +30 694 163 3667, Mail: