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Bid Response

The preparation of the tender is not part of your company’s core business-but that is the main source of new revenues. Our services for the preparation of your bid and your response to tenders, give you the opportunity to continue to deal with the main purpose of your activity, allowing Bid Solutions to watch and prepare for you, your respond to the next tender.

Allow us to take care of your next tender – prepare to win.

The secret to the success of your response to a tender is the identification of the challenges, requirements-demands and wishes of the bidder (your Company), satisfying tenders’ demands - expressed as solutions while taking into account four parameters:
• time
• cost
• risk assessment
• identification of desired profit

Bid response requires a specific approach with text and graphics that reflect the understanding and simultaneous compliance of your company with the tender requirements. In short, should provide clear evidence to the Evaluation Committee that your product or services should be the preferred option.

In order for your participation to the tender to be effective, your response needs to underline the credibility of your company and also describe the factors that differentiate you from other participants. It is crucial to highlight requestors’ anticipated benefits by your company as future Contractor.

Can submission of your response win a bidding process?

 Winning Responses should:
• Be based on the strategic direction of your business.
• Comply with the requirements and expectations of the tender.
• Have a table of contents, which will result after a thorough reading of the tender documents, a summary of the critical requirements and exclusion criteria.
• Have a compliance list that shows how your company, your product or services, meets the tender requirements.

  • Be professionally prepared, with content that emphasizes conformity to tender requirements and clearly indicates the benefits that your company will provide.
  •  Include a cover letter, indicating a quality that inspires confidence and creates an impression that wins.

Bid Solutions unique tender response processes, leading you to increase your ROI.